Bad credit loans can be hard to obtain in Atlanta but looking for a car new or used can be even worse. Auto loans are not easy to qualify for by any means but applying right now online can better your chance than not doing it all.
Not all dealerships are right for people. Knowing the right dealership in Atlanta can be half the battle this Christmas. Right now until the end of January, you can get approved for a car loan with as low as a 425 credit score!
A lot of dealers are also running $99 down in Atlanta on used cars. So why wait to buy your car when the time is now to get approved and drive again. 425 is a low credit score and being approved with that is even better.
If you have 2 minutes you can apply and get approved. Even call us and we can get the ball rolling for you to get approved. Now is the time to invest in a new car, don’t miss what is a good thing for your life and for your credit.
Remember that we will work with you to get approved at your local dealership and make you a happy car buyer this Christmas. There is no other good feeling than buying a car for Christmas and who knows it can get you from point A to B for the year.
But filling out the online application can be a stepping stone to a better life and better choices and you deserve to give yourself that at least. There are a ton of cars all over new or used it’s a great step in the right direction and we want that for you, along with low car payments for all of our buyers. What do you have to lose?