If you have bad credit, no credit, for credit than you qualify for a bad credit car loan, make no mistake about this is available to everyone even if you have been turned down by banks. Our dealers in the Atlanta area have cars for as low as $49.00 down and $149 a month but you will need to provide information about your job, where you live, how much you can afford.
Bringing this information with few well to speed up the process of you purchasing that new used car or a used new car whichever you prefer. Purchasing brand new cars is just as easy however you may have to have more money down in order to seal the deal. Right now in the Atlanta area pickup trucks are going for $99.00 down but you have to act fast if you wish to get in on these deals, dealers are trying to move this iron because the new model year is quickly approaching.
What kind of car loans can you get in Atlanta GA with bad credit
Bad credit car loans can be used to purchase pickup trucks because pickup trucks do not require special financing. You will need to ensure any vehicle you purchase, and proof of insurance will be required for you to drive your vehicle off the lot. Our dealer affiliates in the Atlanta area will be glad to provide you all the information and help you need in getting qualified for this great deal.
Watch the interest rate on a car loan in Atlanta GA
There’s nothing wrong with getting a bad credit car loan in Atlanta the interest rate is slightly higher than a standard vehicle loan but with 12 on time payments you should be able to renegotiate the loan at a lower interest rate. Good luck, and remember you need to make the first move.