You need a better car, so what do you do in Atlanta? You try and buy one that is what you do. Sometimes it’s not as easy as people say it is.
When you’re dealing with bad credit it is worse. But talking to a bad credit car dealer in Atlanta they can give you a path that works for everyone.
Now one of the questions that will be ask is what your credit score is and also what your monthly gross income is. Yes you need to be employed to get a car with a bad credit car loan.
We are asked that all the time and we say you need a job to get approved for a car in Atlanta Georgia. No job will make it hard to drive a car off the car lot.
We want to make sure you have the right rate and the right car. With so many cars to choose from it can be hard to narrow your cars down.
So we will go off what you can afford and what is reliable for you there are tons of cars for sale in Atlanta. Used cars are very common when you have credit hiccups and need a car fast.
Most common car for bad credit is a Kia and many car dealers will ask you if you want a Kia on the monthly car payment alone.