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How To Figure Out Couple Money Management for Big Ticket Items

couples money managementWe know you’re here to figure out how to save money as a couple for major expenses you may have as a couple. Believe it or not money management as a couple is unheard of these days.


Rather it be for a home or a car or even a vacation most couples and married couples don’t talk about the money they spend even on large purchases they just do it.


Money Management as a couple


If you’re just married or getting into a serious relationship you need to talk about money it will put you at ease. Talk about the credit card debt you have the student loans you have and the income you make. Talking about money will make you both happier and make purchasing things like cars and vacations that much easier.


Have a solid vision of what you guys want and go after it with the same vision has a “team spirit”. You have to be honest on this part. Talk about the things you want like children, purchasing a home and the lifestyle you want to live. Just be clear with your wife or husband on what you want when it comes to big ticket items.


Know where all your money goes, keep receipts on everything you buy. Keeping an eye on what you spend will make managing your money a breeze.


Have a strategy of money management make a decision on having a joint or separate bank account. Figure out how you will take care of lending and giving for purchases. Hold each other accountable for the money you spend.


Last part make sure you share access to all accounts and assets. This will help with trust of spending the money you do have.


Looking for a big ticket item to purchase

Money for couples purchases

If your looking for a big ticket item make sure you work together with your husband or wife. Also talk to a car dealership that has car loan options that work best for your needs.



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