Bad Credit Auto Loans in Houston
Find a car dealership that will finance you for a new or used one with the possibility of a low down payment.
Why shopping online for a used car is the best? Its simple, you don’t have any car salesman breathing down your neck. You get to pick the terms you want and the down payment you want, even a $99 down payment for a used car in Houston Texas if that’s what you can afford.
Save for a down payment on a used car in Houston Texas
But we do recommend a better down payment if you can. Another good thing about shopping for a vehicle online is that you can get pre-qualified for it before you head to the car dealer for the test drive.
You should always shop auto loan rates and don’t settle for a long term auto loan because you probably can’t afford it.
The key to auto financing in Houston Texas
Locking in your auto financing is the key to all of this. If you don’t have financing you will find it hard to get a used car.
Go to your local bank or credit union and see what auto loan rates they have for a used car.
But don’t forget to make the test drive once you get the auto financing a priority a lot of people hurry up and just test drive cars don’t have it planned out.
Do your test drives during the day not mid day early morning is best because than you can do a couple walk arounds on the used cars and let the car dealer know what needs to be fixed before you take anything out.
Check these on a used car before you test drive
You should check the following:
- Paint
- Brakes
- Controls in the car
- Shocks
If you see anything that will need repair in the next few months maybe a year let the car dealer know and have them fix it before you buy. Repairs are costly and you don’t want to be one of the car buyers that buy a car and 2 months later it’s in the shop.
If you’re looking for bad credit auto financing in Houston Texas we can set you up with our network of specialized used car dealers and find the auto loan that fits you.